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Mood swings, slowed reflexes, dizziness: the physical and psychological symptoms of burnout creep unnoticed into everyday life. In his solo, Viktor Szeri surrenders his body and his creativity to exhaustion. Accompanied by intense video sequences and pounding music, apathy takes over the room. Slow movements contrast with glistening light, flashing visuals and his fixed gaze. Fatigue explores the limits of Szeri's own body and creates an impressive cosmos of movement, sound and images in which he indulges in memories of nightclubs and music videos.
Duration: Ca. 45 Min.
All By Myself
The program series “All By Myself” brings together artistic positions that position self-empowerment and resistance against a world in crisis - including artists from Geneva, Lausanne, Budapest, Vienna, Warsaw and Basel.
07.02. & 08.02., 20:00 Baptiste Cazaux: GIMME A BREAK!!!
+ Mélissa Guex: Down (full album)
14.02. & 15.02., 19:30 Antje Schupp: You live you learn
14.02. & 15.02., 21:00 Gosia Wdowik: She was a friend of someone else
21.02. & 22.02., 20:00 Viktor Szeri: Fatigue
21.02. & 22.02., 21:30 Krõõt Juurak: Lesson
Dance, theater and performance works that celebrate powerful personal expression, but at the same time shed light on its darker side: individual struggles, inner abysses and struggles. A multi-layered dialog between strength and vulnerability, exhaustion and activism, individual and community!
Nobodies Home?
Don't want to be all by yourselves anymore?
Come together at Kaserne Basel!!! We look forward to seeing you<3
Viktor Szeri (born 1993) is a Budapest-based performer and choreographer. In his multidisciplinary pieces, the interplay of different (performing) art forms and visual solutions can be observed. His spontaneous and improvisational creative processes are usually motivated by the desire to express a mood or a feeling. Nevertheless, dance always plays a crucial role in his work: for him, it is a language through which the imperfect, ephemeral and vulnerable human body can break free from the constraints of social norms. His performances are visceral: they blur the boundaries between stage and auditorium and invite us into intimate realities in which the audience plays an active role. The ideology and complexity of conventional art spaces such as theaters and galleries are as much of interest to him as the potential of public spaces, off-sites and abandoned buildings.
He received a BA in Choreography at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, and an MA in Media Design at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest. Recently, he has been awarded several scholarships and residencies in Budapest, Prague, Berlin, Vienna, Paris, Istanbul, Warsaw, Tbilisi, and Minsk. His works have been presented at Sophiensaele (Berlin), Theatre de Vanves (Paris), Tanzhaus nrw (Düsseldorf), Hellerau (Dresden), WUK (Vienna), radialsystem (Berlin), STL (Tallinn), Donaufestival (Krems), MeetFactory (Prague), Divadlo X10, Y events (Prague), Art Cologne (Cologne), Open Space - Centre for Visual and Performing Arts (Tbilisi), House of Arts (Brno), HKD (Rijeka), Spanski Borci (Ljubljana), CNDB (Bucharest), Hans Otto Theater (Potsdam) as well as in Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, MU Theatre, DunaPart - Platform for Contemporary Performing Arts, art quarter budapest, Studio of Young Artists' Association and Placcc Dance among many other venues.
His piece Fatigue was awarded the Rudolf Lábán Prize 2023 and selected as part of the Aerowaves network Twenty24 Artists. Since 2020 he is the main organizer of the interdisciplinary performing arts festival Under500 in Budapest.
By & with Viktor Szeri
Music András Molnár
Video Tamás Páll
Lighting design Ferenc Payer
Production Katlan Group
Supported by NKA, EMMI, Katlan Group, SÍN Arts Culture Center, Mu Theater, Trafó House of Contemporary Arts
Thanks to Andi Soos, Lili Raubinek, Csenge Vass