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© Claudia Ndebele

How can a territory that is not officially recognised as a state be represented? This is not an embassy (Made in Taiwan), the latest documentary theatre coup by Rimini Protokoll, dares to create an impossible embassy for the island state of Taiwan. Inventive in its economic and foreign policy, as it is not diplomatically recognised by any European country except the Vatican, Taiwan is in danger of being crushed between the global power blocs. The theatre space becomes a stage for international politics, as excitingly staged as a thriller.

Duration: 100 Minutes
Audience Discussion: After the performance March, 8
Website Rimini Protokoll

Lecture with Rimini Protokoll 08.03.2024 Of transplanted experts and remote-controlled spectators (free admission)

Workshop with Rimini Protokoll 09.03.2024 Documentary Artwork 


Stefan Kaegi stages documentary theatre plays, radio plays and urban space productions in a wide variety of constellations, which often break down economic interdependencies to a human component. Kaegi has toured the world with two Bulgarian lorry drivers and a converted truck, staged 10,000 insects in Heuschrecken and four Cuban grandchildren of the so-called revolutionary generation in Granma. At the Théâtre Vidy in Lausanne, Kaegi staged Nachlass with people who don't have long to live, and in Uncanny Valley, a life-size copy of the writer Thomas Melle as a humanoid. His audio tour Remote X has been repeatedly adapted to specific locations in cities such as Los Angeles, Santiago de Chile and Taipei. His Société Anonyme can currently be seen at the Hamburg Schauspielhaus. Together with Caroline Barneaud, he curates performative land art on shared landscapes in peri-urban landscapes.

Together with Helgard Haug and Daniel Wetzel, Kaegi works under the Rimini Protokoll label, which was awarded the Silver Lion for Theatre at the Venice Biennale in 2011. The simulation of a world climate conference and the dark production Société Anonyme were shown at the Hamburg Schauspielhaus. In cities such as Montréal, São Paulo and Hong Kong, Rimini Protokoll staged 100% City with 100 representatives of their city selected according to statistical criteria. In Manchester and Lausanne, Rimini Protokoll composed the city tour Utopolis for 48 portable loudspeakers. Under the title Staat 1-4, the directing label developed a tetralogy on the phenomena of post-democracy. For the museum, the three developed immersive art installations such as win<>win with living jellyfish or the walk-in film architecture Urban Nature. And for the stage, the experimental arrangement Conference of the Absent.


Concept and direction

Stefan Kaegi


Chiayo Kuo, Debby Szu-Ya Wang, David Chienkuo Wu

Dramaturgy and collaboration director

Szu-Ni Wen


Dominic Huber

Video production

Mikko Gaestel


Polina Lapkovskaja (Pollyester), Debby Szu-Ya Wang, Heiko Tubbesing

Research Taiwan

Yinru Lo

Video shooting

Philip Lin


Pierre-Nicolas Moulin


Caroline Barneaud


Kim Crofts

Collaboration scenography

Matthieu Stephan (trainee)

Production Europe

Tristan Pannatier (Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne)

Production Taiwan

Chin Mu (NTCH)

General technical manager

Quentin Brichet

Stage management

Bruno Moussier

Sound management

Ludovic Guglielmazzi

Video management

Sebastian Hefti

Light management

Jean-Baptiste Boutte


Séverine Blanc, Clélia Ducraux, Mathieu Dorsaz

Stage design

Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne

A production by

Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne and the National Theatre & Concert Hall, Taipei in co-production with Rimini Apparat, the Berliner Festspiele, the Centro Dramático Nacional Madrid, the Volkstheater Wien, the Zürcher Theater Spektakel, the Festival d'Automne à Paris, the National Theatre Drama / Prague Crossroads Festival


Centre culturel de Taïwan à Paris, Prix Tremplin Leenaards / La Manufacture

Financial Support for the Performance at Kaserne Basel

Freundeskreis Kaserne Basel