is_free This event is free.
is_wheelchair_accessible This event is wheelchair accessible.
is_translated Language: German
→ Treffpunkt Kasse Kaserne Basel
Porträt von Stefan Kaegi
© Mv Kummer

How does artificial intelligence guide a horde of 50 spectators through Milan or Buenos Aires? Where in your living room can Europe be understood in parliamentary terms? Why can global arms trade be understood via ipads in a film set? When do 100 city dwellers selected according to statistical criteria form a parliament on stage? What if art does not imitate nature for once, but enables us to experience it differently?
Stefan Kaegi will show and comment on videos of interactive theatre works and urban interventions by the Berlin label Rimini Protokoll.

Registration: Admission free, registration at

Venue: kHaus rehearsal stage, meeting point: Kaserne Basel box office

To the performances on 8 and 9 March 2024 of This is not an Embassy (made in Taiwan)

To the workshop with Rimini Protokoll on 9 March Documentary Artwork 

For the curious: If you always want to hear about our workshops directly, you can register here with your e-mail address.