is_free This event is free.
is_wheelchair_accessible This event is wheelchair accessible.
→ Meeting point: main entrance

Grief is usually carried in the first few months, after which everyday life returns for many. Not for mourners, they are missing an important part of their lives.

Grief needs time and space.

The Death Café offers mourners a protected environment in which people are united by one thing - the loss of a loved one. Mourners often feel alone with their fate and their thoughts and feelings. In the Death Cafe you can grieve without being alone. You can exchange ideas, get to know others who are affected, but you can also simply listen or remain silent. After a round of getting to know each other, we listen to an input on a topic. Every bereaved person is welcome to come to the café with their story, feelings and thoughts.

The meeting point on April 23rd is the main entrance to the barracks at 6 pm. The Death Café is free of charge, please register here

The Death Café on April 23 at the Kaserne will be accompanied by Pia Küng. Pia Küng lives with her family in Laufental. With over 30 years of experience in Spitex, she is familiar with accompanying people in difficult life situations. Dealing with death and grief became a constant companion in her everyday professional life and awakened in her the desire to deal more intensively with grief. As a certified grief counselor, she has been running the grief café in Laufen since January 22 and welcomes mourners for individual sessions in her practice in Laufen's Stedtli district. Since February 2024, she has also been accompanying the last journey of the deceased with sensitive funeral speeches.

The Death Café is part of «MITOSIS - an LSD Opera» von Brandy Butler on 23.4. and 24.4. at 8 pm

Pia Küng