is_wheelchair_accessible This event is wheelchair accessible.
is_translated Language: German
Standard Price   25.-  
Porträt von Lucien Haug
© Christian Knörr

In a three-hour workshop, you can immerse yourself in the experimental set-up of WRITERS' ROOM and let off steam. When finding a common expression, important questions automatically come to the fore: Can I stand up for myself? Do I need to compromise in order to work together? And how well do I need to know myself in order to get to know others? The performance can then be attended.

For all ages with and without writing experience.

Duration: approx. 3 hours (16:00-19:00)

The workshop ticket is also valid as a ticket for the performance of WRITERS' ROOM on 20.11. at 20:00

Haug / Nübling / Poloni: Writers' Room

Biography Lucien Haug

Lucien Haug started out as a player at the junges theater basel and, after studying literary writing in Biel, wrote theater texts for theaters in Basel and Zurich. He teaches collective writing in Biel. For WRITERS' ROOM, he does not present a text at the beginning of rehearsals, but is at the rehearsal every day and feeds his writing from the players' improvisations.

Bild von Händen welche etwas am schreiben sind
© Uwe Heinrich