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Bild von Künstler:innen
© Muriel Hardt

Experience the fascinating art of changing your appearance, breaking visual habits and immersing yourself in the world of drag kings! In our workshop, you will learn how to bring your own drag king character to life in a playful, informal and stylish way.

What you can expect:

- Stereotype analysis: Learn more about social stereotypes and how you can use them for your character
- Makeover and make-up: Get professionally styled and learn the techniques, the Drag King make-up basics
- Gesture and voice exercises: Work on your body language and voice to authentically portray your character
- Lots of fun and a great community

After the workshop, your beard will be perfect and your hairstyle will be in place - you'll be ready to explore new shores and cross gender boundaries. Which masculine performance appeals to you?

Meeting point: Kaserne Basel entrance.