is_wheelchair_accessible This event is wheelchair accessible.
is_translated Language: German
→ Rossstall 1 + 2
→ Rossstall 1 + 2
Price:   260.- /  160.-  

Do you like making people dance with your favourite songs? In the DJing workshop, DJ Leila Moon will teach you the basics of DJing. Together with other participants, you'll click your way through DJ programmes and learn how CDJs, MIDI controllers and mixers work. You'll look at transitions between songs and how to build suspense for the audience. Here you can ask questions, try things out and exchange ideas. The workshop takes place over two days and is aimed at FLINTA (women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people). There is no age limit.

Costs: CHF 260.- (two dates)
Reduction: CHF 100 discount with STUcard, enjoy! culture pass, colourkey, Kulturlegi, AHV/IV
Registration deadline: 31.01.2024

Times: Friday, 16.02. 19:00h-22:00h & Saturday, 17.02. 10:00h-17:00h