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is_translated Language: Portuguese with English subtitles
→ kHaus Probebühne
Porträt von Francesca Sproccati
© Monica Müller

Francesca Sproccati's artistic research delves into the sensation of exhaustion by exploring a dreamy dimension. With Venire meno, Sproccati continues her experimentation with spaces and objects, focusing on a dual concept. In Italian, the expression "venire meno" has two meanings: on the one hand, it refers to the act of fainting, and on the other, it suggests failing to fulfill a commitment.

 During her residency, Sproccati will explore this dual dimension that connects the human body as a both biological and political entity. She will focus on creating sound objects through the circular motion of old turntables, seeking out orbital revolutions, understood both as cosmic forces between celestial bodies and as waves of insurrectional energy. Through repetitive sounds and lulling atmospheres, which gradually exhaust themselves, these sounds will invite us to collectively resist social impositions through fainting.

Artists in Residence

Meeting Point: Kasernenhof 8 (Entrance kHaus Courtyard side)

In order to enable accessibility for deaf people at our showings, we try out various possibilities that suit the respective showing format: Subtitling, handouts etc.

Due to the nature of the showings, we will only decide at short notice how access will be guaranteed. Please contact Julia for more information: