For the curious


PANTSULA DANCE WORKSHOP with Impilo Mapantsula 

Saturday 28th of September// 11am - 1pm// Reithalle Kaserne Basel

Pantsula is a fast, smooth, typically South African dance with lots of footwork and to a driving sound. The type of workshop we offer is fun and very interactive. All classes are held with special attention to the individual needs of the participants and are suitable for people from 12 years of age and all levels of physical fitness. After an introduction and a warm-up, movements and jumps around the room are practiced and condensed into a small choreography at the end.

Would you like to be kept informed about upcoming dance workshops? Sign up here and stay up to date.

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Guided tours

Individual appointment and questions:
Recha la Dous
Telefon +41 61 6666 027

Behind-the-scene glimpses of a cultural institution:
Behind the scenes at Kaserne Basel, a diverse group of professionals work all day and quite often at night to provide artists with the op-portunity to do what they do best and to en-sure unforgettable live experiences for the audiences. Beyond the captivating perfor-mances, what are the day-to-day operations of a live venue? How do you put together a thea-tre, dance and music programme? What mod-ern technology is hidden behind the historic walls of Kaserne Basel? How has Kaserne Basel developed over the last four decades? On a guided tour of the premises, you will get to see Kaserne Basel and the site, including the newly opened kHaus, from a completely new perspective.

We offer:
- guidances for different groups (for ex. schools, universities, companys etc.)
- guidances with with different focuses (for ex. technic, theater/dance, music, jobs, architecture etc.)
- guidances in German, Englisch or French
- compatibility options (for ex. with a theatre or concert visit, aperitif, etc.)

Costs: upon request (depending on the length and effort)