How can poetry actually be signed and how does signed poetry sound? Director Zino Wey and cultural mediator Franziska Winkler invite two Deaf*[1] and two hearing poets – Lua Leirner, Eyk Kauly, Lucien Haug, Anna Hetzer – to enter into a dialogue. Poems in spoken language and sign poetry will be developed and translated together. The aim is to expand our ideas of literature, poetry and language. And it is about visibility and invisibility: What do we represent? What can we actually see and comprehend? The performance at BuchBasel focuses not only on the artists' own texts, but above all on their joint translations between spoken and sign language.
*1] : The adjective 'Deaf' is used in capital letters. It is a self-designation of "people who feel connected to the sign languages, communities and cultures of the Deaf".
The poetry performance is accessible in both sign language and spoken language.
The panel discussion afterwards will take place in Swiss German Sign Language, German Sign Language and in spoken language.
After the event, you have the opportunity to purchase books and have them signed by the contributors.
As a part of BuchBasel.
Zino Wey, (hearing) born in Arlesheim BL in 1988, works as a director, author and stage designer at state and municipal theatres, as well as in the independent scene. Since 2013 he has worked continuously at the Kaserne Basel, often together with Moira Gilliéron and Ariane Koch as GKW.
Franziska Winkler (hearing), works as a curator in the fields of sign language poetry, and transmedial literary translation. Most recently, "handverlesen - Gebärdensprachpoesie in Lautsprache" was published by Hochroth München. From 2022 - 2023 she will be an in-house artist at the Center for Literature - Burg Hülshoff / Münster.
Lucien Haug (hearing), born in Basel in 1992, is an author, dramaturge and theatre sacmeter. He studied at the Bern University of the Arts and primarily writes plays in German and Swiss German. He has a long-standing collaboration with the jungen theatre basel.
Anna Hetzer (hearing) grew up in Berlin, studied medicine, philosophy and literature. Her literary writing includes poetry, essays and translations. Most recently, the volumes Pandoras Playbox were published by Verlagshaus Berlin, and Schaum by Sukultur. She was awarded the Basel Poetry Prize in 2023, among others.
Lua Leirner (hard of hearing) works as a graphic designer, photographer, actress, dancer and museum guide for various museums. She is part of ImproTanz und Musik Stilllaut. Since 2018 she is a board member of Sonos, Swiss Hearing Impaired Association.
Eyk Kauly (Deaf) Born in 1987 in Dippoldiswalde in Saxony, Germany, Eyk was born Deaf and is proficient in German Sign Language (DGS), as well as International Sign Language (IS) and Visual Sign (VS). Eyk Kauly works in various projects as an actor, sign language and performance artist. Eyk Kauly has been the director of the German Deaf Theatre since 2023.
Artistic direction
Zino Wey & Franziska Winkler
Participating artists
Lua Leirner, Eyk Kauly, Lucien Haug, Anna Hetzer
Production management
productionsDOCK / Annina Birrer
A project by
les artistes dépressifs in co-production with Kaserne Basel and BuchBasel
Supported by
Jaqueline Spengler Stiftung and Stiftung Denk An Mich