is_wheelchair_accessible This event is wheelchair accessible.
Icon for: This event is age restriced.
VVK / AK   20.— /  24.—  

What do we actually celebrate at Christmas? Exactly, the joy of life and the anticipation of a few hours of rhythmic gymnastics to extremely un-Christmassy music. In keeping with the motto “better to crash together than sit at home alone”, we say goodnight to our dear parents, the problematic Facebook uncle or the Zoom family on the other side of the world at some point, cut through the freezing cold on our bikes and ceremoniously remove the fur cover from our disco ball outfits on the barracks lawn. Between full bellies, empty glasses, hoarse voices and cold hands with burning cigarettes, we meet old acquaintances, new friends, a potential family of choice, but in any case a lot of love. The Reithalle is hosted by the queer Zischbarkollektiv, who are also celebrating their 40th birthday (!).

DJs Juiceppe, Hausvrau and Ka-Raba will be part of the party. There will also be drag performances by Mama Mischa and Hausvrau. The Rossstall will be played all nite long by Safety First. Here we fucking go!

Get your fabulous XMAS Make Up by PVLMYR!

The ZischBar is a safer space for queers and allies. An awareness team will be present and available if you need help.