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→ Reithalle
Doors: 19.30 | Price Presale / Box Office:   50.- /  45.- /  55.-  
© Lenny Rothenberg

Attempting to pigeon-hole Von Wegen Lisbeth, confining them to a select corner of the German music scene, is like wrapping organic cucumbers in plastic and awarding nuclear power plants a seal of sustainability. Even after several years, the Berlin-based band continues to exude an alluring air of elusiveness while proudly forging ahead with their distinct and unmistakable style. Nestled somewhere amidst melancholy and danceable pop melodies, Von Wegen Lisbeth has become firmly established in the realm of German-language music, enchanting concertgoers from Berlin to Basel and inspiring them to sing along, dance and ask both the important and unimportant questions of our age.