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→ Rossstall 1

This year,  Kaserne Basel and the Musikbüro are presenting the tenth edition of the successful education project especially for primary school pupils from Basel-Stadt and Basel-Land. The guest this time is svmthoX. This is the young Swiss artist Sam Thompson-Young, who describes her music as "(T)rap Soul". She conveys her messages in five languages, sometimes witty, sometimes empathetic, but always radically honest. With resounding energy and a lot of self-confidence, she gets to the heart of what is going wrong in the world. svmthoX slips into the role of the superhero she always wanted to be as a toddler. A young voice for all those who have been silenced. The children have the opportunity to gently experience the atmosphere of a live concert, ask the musicians questions in a moderated conversation and get one of the coveted autographs.

For pupils aged 9 to 13.

Registration schools via Musikbüro Basel