Son : Can you say very clearly "Arnaud, I give you your life back".
Mother : Yes, of course, but I'd just like to know what that means for you. Because I'm not going to abandon you. You see? What does it mean to "give you your life back"?
Son : I've always had my life.
Mother : Yes.
Son : We've always had separate lives. Of course we're full of things, full of molecules, but we each have our own life.
Mother : Yes.
Son : Do you agree with that?
Mother : Of course.
Son : Well, if you agree, you just have to say so. To say "Arnaud -"
Mother : "Arnaud -"
Son : "I agree with that."
Mother : "I agree with that."
Son : And so...
Mother : And so... I'm letting you have your life. Is that what pleases you ?
In his Showing, residence artist Jean-Daniel Piguet presents two different theatrical scenes in which he explores the influence of the violence of our ancestors on our present lives. In doing so, he examines the links between them. The first scene features a mother and son exploring their past on a journey. In the second scene, friends Maxi and Jeandwich get together to enjoy everything they experience together, even the difficult moments.
Registration: buero@kaserne-basel.ch
Registration possible until 5 p.m. on 24.3.25, afterwards no place guaranteed
Meeting point: Kasernenhof 8 (entrance courtyard side kHaus)