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→ Rossstall 1
Porträt von Lisa Christ
© Diana Pfamatter

All you need is love! Or is love just opium for the brain? Then we might as well eat chocolate. Or risotto. Because: first the food, then the charity. Nobody lives on love alone in capitalism! You have to be able to buy something with it. But are we even ready for possessions? For bigger shoes, for our own flats? Man! Show me how you live and I'll tell you how you love! Love has never been as complicated as it is today. And never so public. In her new programme, Lisa Christ plunges headlong into a wild relationship with her audience, who learn everything they need to know the next time the butterflies flutter in their stomachs. LOVE - a sensitively aggressive stage solo without taboos.

Website feministischer salon
Website Lisa Christ

feministischer salon

Einmal im Monat werden intellektuelle, provokative, politische, lustige, radikale, rassismuskritische, affektive und nachdenkliche Abende zu queer_feministischen Themen veranstaltet. Der Salon ist Treffpunkt und Versammlungsort für aktuelle Fragen und Themen, oftmals in Anknüpfung und immer als Bereicherung des feministischen Programms in der Kaserne Basel. Die Reihe wird kuratiert von Katha Baur, Caroline Faust, Franca Schaad und Franziska Schutzbach. 


Von und mit 

Katha Baur, Caroline Faust, Franca Schaad und Franziska Schutzbach


Kaserne Basel


Christoph Merian Stiftung