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Menschenmenge am demonstrieren

The challenges of climate crisis and global distribution remain as vital as ever, yet compared to three years ago, they receive considerably less media attention amidst other crises and conflicts. How is the climate movement doing today? Is climate activism just – obviously unpaid – care work for the planet, a role once again shouldered by women disproportionately? What can we as individuals do? Well, a good approach is to: Seek out opportunities for collaboration. Come together and organise our voices. In this edition, we will be talking to people who do just that. 

Duration: 90 minutes
If you can't afford a ticket, please get in touch at

feministischer salon

Once a month, intellectual, provocative, political, funny, radical, racism-critical, affective and thought-provoking evenings on queer_feminist topics are organised. The Salon is a meeting point and gathering place for current issues and topics, often in connection with and always as an enrichment of the feminist programme at the Kaserne Basel. The series is curated by Katha Baur,


By and with 

Katha Baur, Caroline Faust, Franca Schaad and Franziska Schutzbach


Kaserne Basel

Supported by

Christoph Merian Foundation