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→ kHaus Probebühne | Meeting point: Kasernenhof 8 (entrance courtyard kHaus)
© Kenza Wadimoff

Artist in Residence Davide-Christelle Sanvee presents her project Who's Afraid, which was created in collaboration with Steven Schoch and will premiere at the Théâtre Grütli in Geneva in June. The title is borrowed from the traditional German children's game Wer hat Angst vorm Schwarzen Mann (Who's Afraid of the Black Man). When Davide-Christelle came to Switzerland from Togo in 1999, she played this very "black man" in her first gymnastics lesson. In Who's Afraid, she critically scrutinises similar role ascriptions that she has experienced in Switzerland since then.  

Meeting point: Kasernenhof 8 (entrance courtyard kHaus)

To enable accessibility for Deaf people at our shows, we try out various options that suit the respective show format: Subtitling, handouts, etc.

Due to the nature of the showings, we will only be able to decide at short notice how access will be guaranteed. Please contact Julia for more information: