is_wheelchair_accessible This event is wheelchair accessible.
is_translated Language: French with German and English surtitles

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© Dorothée Thébert

The German dream of being an important colonial power is reflected in street names in the "African Quarter" in Berlin's Wedding district. For decades, people fought to have them named after African resistance fighters. Supported by Basel and Berlin activists, Geneva theatre-maker Cedric Djedje tells of his personal search for traces, but also of clubbing, discrimination and online dating. A critical portrait of the city through the lens of an outsider between political documentary theatre and humorous autofiction.

Duration: 120 minutes



Cédric Djedje


Ludovic Chazaud, Noémi Michel


Safi Martin Yé, Cédric Djedje


Noémi Michel

Œil extérieur

Diane Muller, Ludovic Chazaud

Stage Design

Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro


Ivan Larson

Sound Design


Video Design

Valéria Stucky

Costumes and canga design

Tara Mabiala


Chaïm Vischel

 Cushions and backrests from kanga 

Eva Michel

Light Design

Léo Garcia

Collaboration lighting and stage 

Joana Oliveira

Administration und Production

Lionel Perrinjaquet


Pauline Copée / Tutu Production

Graphic Design

Claudia Ndebele

Transcription of the interviews

Eva Michel, Bel Kerkhoff-Parnell, Orfeo, Janyce Djedje

Production Management

Lionel Perrinjaquet


Cie Absent.e pour le moment

Setting up the surtitles

Diane Muller


Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Le Grütli – Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts vivants – Genève


Agenda 21, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Fondation Leenards, Fondation SIS, Fonds de dotation Porosus, Loterie Romande, Bourse SSA composition, Pro Helvetia – fondation suisse pour la culture