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Price Presale / Box Office:   32.— /  37.—  
© Michelle Rassnitzer

Film music for films that do not exist, or children's songs for grown-up souls. Unrestrained possibilities. Unrestrained desires. Unrestrained potential. Somewhere between ecstasy and melancholy, amid sadness and a mischievous smile, hovering between uncer-tainty and utopia, it is a blend of the affirmation of life and lingering doubts. Formed in 2016, the Vienna-based six-piece band deliberately avoids being stuffed into any Austropop pigeonhole and is best known for its vibrant and high-energy live performances. With a blend of elation and rawness, somnambulistic wonder and playful dreaming, the band has relentlessly crafted its own distinct sound, time and again, in recent years. The band is now busy working on a fourth LP and setting off on an extensive tour that also takes in Kaserne Basel!