is_free This event is free.
is_wheelchair_accessible This event is wheelchair accessible.
is_translated Language: English
→ Klara Probebühne | Meeting point Klara, Clarastrasse 13
© Ayman Nahle

«Recycling of Life» (premiere 8.2.2024) works on the eternal cycle of life and things. In order to live, cells die in us unnoticed, sometimes every second, and are renewed. The universe is constantly in motion, rotating and expanding. There is no stand still. Between these two extremes: humans, their memories - and their stuff. What ist to be done with it? Anyone who has ever had to deal with a household clear-out knows that the stuff having to be disposed usually has no value - or does it? 

We surround ourselves with things that are not only useful, but also interesting creations. With every record that is disposed of, someone's music is destroyed. With every shredded box of books, pages and pages of someone's thoughts disappear. Last but not least, these seemingly useless things may have been faithful companions in someone's life. What do they tell us about them? And what does it tell us about our time when it is sometimes cheaper to destroy and produce something new than to keep it? 

In «Recycling of Life» not only objects but also memories, experiences and knowledge are recycled. The audience can take part in the process - on 18.1.24 at the «Recycling of Life» showing and workshop:

Following the showing, we invite you to a short workshop on the connection between personal memories and the objects that embody them. Please bring an object or a photo from home - mementos that are meaningful to you but may be worthless to others. Songs can also be such a "memento". We work with methods of storytelling, collective and personal memory. Whatever you are willing to lend us or allow us to photograph can become part of the project and its showing.

LAB Artists
Website Antje Schupp

Meeting point: Klara, Clarastrasse 13

To enable accessibility for Deaf people at our shows, we try out various options that suit the respective show format: Subtitling, handouts, etc.

Due to the nature of the showings, we will only be able to decide at short notice how access will be guaranteed. Please contact Julia for more information: