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→ kHaus Probebühne
Gezeichnetes Bild und Schrift, Matters Body
© Julia Häller

Body Matters is a series of public sharings which focuses on experiments in dance and choreography. In a low key setting, the outcome of different artistic exchanges between Kaserne LAB artist, Declan Whitaker and invited dance makers are shared. These outcomes could be a short étude, a performative experiment, a movement score - or something else entirely. Afterwards a feedback round gives space for insights and reflections from the audience.

Through Body Matters, Declan offers his time and creative self to different dance artists from the Basel scene who might want to try out their ideas in the dance studio. Body Matters opens a space for collegial exchange and the potential for new collaborations.

Body Matters #3 with Simea Cavelti

Duration: Ca. 90 Min.

The possibility to attend MITOSIS - an LSD Opera by Brandy Butler at 8 p.m. following the showing is guaranteed.

LAB Artists

Registration possible until 5 p.m. on 24.4.25, after that no place guaranteed

Meeting point: Kasernenhof 8 (entrance courtyard kHaus)

Porträt von Declan Whitaker
© Binta Kopp