For the first time in Basel’s history! Brought to you by: Kaserne Basel, Icon Tanti Matyouz Royalty & Esengo Angels, Date: March 15, 2025
Doors open for Ballroom Participants: 1:00 PM / Doors open for Spectators:2:00 PM
For each category, participants from the ballroom scene will compete against one another in fashion, runway, dance, and beauty battles. They are required to wear an outfit inspired by the Cartoon Network universe,either from shows streamed by Cartoon Network (e.g., Pokémon) or original Cartoon Network productions (e.g., Powerpuff Girls)
Face (FF/MF)
Hair Affair
Fashion Killah
Realness (FQ, TM, BQ, Butch)
Sex Siren (FQ, TM, W, MF)
Body (FF/MF)
Nails Affair
Runway (AA & EU)
Beginners Runway (AA & EU)
Old Way
Beginners Performance (Old Way / Vogue Femme)
Performance (Twister, BQ, Drags, WM, GNC, FQ, Tag Team OTA Perf)
Hands Performance
DJ Pump Da Beat
Commentator vs. Commentator
Judges from all over Europe and different ballroom houses will decide the winners for each category and the trophy recipients!
On the decks, as a DJ we will have the EU Overseer Seven Angels and as MC the co-organizer the Icon Tanti Matyouz Royalty.
Icon Nikki Juicy, Legendary Overall Founding Mother Noa Angels, Swiss Mother Sayari Bodega, EU Overseer Mx Fit Telfar, Swiss Godmother Hausvrau Laveaux and more to be announced...
Workshops & Afterparty: Workshops and an afterparty will be announced closer to the date
Community Guidelines & Awareness:
Ballroom is a safer space for many marginalized people. We do not accept and hold each other accountable for any form of racism, cultural appropriation, antisemitism, homo-, trans- or queerphobia, ableism, fatphobia and or any other form of discrimination.
If you need help or witness something you'd like to report, approach the awareness team in the yellow vests or the host.
📸 Photography & Video: We do take pictures and videos. If you don't want your picture or video taken, approach the host or the awareness team.
Ballroom ist ein safer space für viele marginalisierte Menschen. Wir akzeptieren keine Form von Rassismus, kultureller Aneignung, Antisemitismus, Homo-, Trans- oder Queerphobie, Ableismus, Fettphobie oder jede andere Form von Diskriminierung.
Wenn du Hilfe brauchst oder etwas beobachtest, das du melden möchtest, wende dich an das Awareness-Team in den gelben Westen oder an die Organisator:innen.
📸 Photography & Video: Wir machen Fotos und Videos. Wenn du nicht möchtest, dass dein Foto oder Video aufgenommen wird, wende dich ebenfalls an das Awareness-Team oder die Organisator:innen.
Email: / Instagram: @esengooo
Organizer, DJ, and Producer